Tomb raider underworld video walk through
Tomb raider underworld video walk through

tomb raider underworld video walk through

You'll enter a high-ceilinged room with a gate at one end. Walk through and follow the obvious passage round, using a climbing wall and a beam. Open it with the switch to the right as you face the door. Use the grapple hook to abseil down to find a door.

#Tomb raider underworld video walk through free#

Shoot out the chain links to the left and right of you using free aim and watch the cut-scene. Walk round and onto his arm and then use a ledge to reach the platform with the central switch. Head back outside the front and walk directly left behind the head of the statue. Now you need to flick the central switch. Remove the cog with your grapple and pull the switch. Now head out on the platform across and above the where the Krakken is and into a door behind the right hand mechanism where you'll see another of the Krakken's tentacles. Head up and out of the room using ledges, a pole then jump of a slope and onto more ledges to find a switch. Use the grapple point to pull out a pin and it will land on the Krakken's tentacle, freeing it from the cogs. Head past it round the corner and then continue to find yourself behind the Krakken, where you can see one of his tentacles. Go forward and right where you'll see a blue flame on the wall.

tomb raider underworld video walk through

Head right down the obvious passage and use the ledges to climb across the gap and slide down the slope. It doesn't matter which order this is done in. As you face the Krakken from the area you arrived in, Lara will have to free the mechanism on the left and on the right.

tomb raider underworld video walk through

To do this you need to free-up the mechanism behind the structure he’s in front of. The aim is to kill the Krakken using the spikes above his head. Carry on following the obvious path to reach some steps. Locate the tunnel on the other side of the area and crouch and walk through it. Head through the door and then follow the passage until you drop down under a stone arch. Use these to weight down the other switch and pull the main switch opening the door. Next to the left-hand floor switch are two blocks. It will topple over and weight down the switch on the floor in front of it. Pull the pillar to the right of the door (facing it) using the grapple. Head round the corner to find a switch in front of a door with two pillars either side of it and two floor switches. Use this to get to a ledge and follow them round the wall onto a bar across more ledges and then back down to the base of the room on the other side of the water. Climb through to the next room with a pool in it and then up a ramp to reach a stone block. Swim down the linear route and then emerge in a dry room. To open the door you need to get the three eye-shaped symbols to line up in the middle. Grab it and place it in the remaining empty hole. In front of the doors on another stone plinth is the other handle. Place the handle you are holding into one of the empty slots at the center of either of the lower circles.

tomb raider underworld video walk through

Directly in front of you is a large circular metal door Swim inside and through the passage until you find a handle you can pick up on top of a stone plinth, take it and swim back to the tall structure you saw before and through the entrance. Swim round it until you find an entrance. As you face its entrance, turn to the right and notice a clump of stones. If you dive straight ahead and down you'll end up on a stone pathway with a tall stone structure ahead of you.

Tomb raider underworld video walk through